Okay, April's here. It's time to sloowwwwww the clock down now so I can enjoy my favorite month of the year. Barb's favorite month is June. "A June bride is a bride for life," she says. (We were married June 7 -- wink, wink!). But there's something about April that lifts my spirits. I'm sure it's a combination of things.
It used to mean the approach of the end of the school year. Who could argue with that? But April is so much more. April is...
too early for mosquitoes.
too early for humidity.
too early for searing heat.
too early for the annual ant invasion.
too early for turning on the air conditioner.
too early for snakes in the lawn (or pythons in the garage -- Barb will understand -- it's a joke -- really!).
April is...
too late for bone-chilling cold.
too late for frozen pipes.
too late for snow?
No, not too late for snow. But it's a passing glance this time of year. Yeah, we've had snow storms in April, but the nice weather usually is not far behind.
Besides, April is for the Boys of Summer.
It's "spring cleaning" and opening the windows and letting in the fresh air.
It's getting off the treadmill and running outdoors.
It's when "the 50s" are on their way up and feel good, instead of on their way down and a sign of coming frost.
It means swapping the lawn mower and the snow blower (but keeping the snow blower still within reach).
April is...
putting the patio furniture out.
just right for getting reacquainted with the outdoor grill.
time to lube the bicycles and check the air in the tires.
It used to mean Dad was ready to swap the glass storm windows for the summer screens.
It's time to dig the short-sleeve shirts and shorts out of storage, and pack away the long-sleeve shirts, sweaters, heavy coats and boots. We're talking sneakers, flip-flops, sandals... well, sneakers maybe but the others soon.
It used to mean track season, one of the greatest legal inventions for skipping a day of school. Nothing compared with getting out of school on a glorious spring day to go to a track meet. We would set up our 'camp' somewhere, turn on a radio, laze around in the sun until it was our turn to run or jump or throw, and then retreat to the same spot.
April is green grass and fresh air. Ah, spring...
Gotta love it.
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